Organization of conferences

Organization of conferences

Symposium "PWD2020": IUFRO International Symposium on the Pine Nematode (22-26 November 2021 - videoconference)

The pine nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, is a microscopic worm that can cause pine trees to wither in just a few weeks. It is native to North America, where it does not cause major damage. In contrast, it was introduced to Asia: Japan (detected in 1905), China (detected in 1982), South Korea (detected in 1988) and Taiwan (detected in 1995). It spread quickly and caused considerable damage. Several million trees died in Japan and China.

More recently, the pine nematode was detected in Portugal in 1999. Despite the measures taken to eradicate and contain the nematode, it has spread over a large part of Portugal. Outbreaks have occurred in Spain since 2008 and on the Portuguese island of Madeira in 2009. The scientific community has been very interested in this nematode, the insect that carries and disseminates it in Europe, Monochamus galloprovincialis, as well as the susceptibility of pines. As our knowledge advances, there are still many unknowns, and at the present time no measures are found to stop this spread.

We are organizing an international symposium on pine nematode in France in Orléans in 2020. This symposium follows on from the symposia held in Portugal in 2006, China in 2009, Germany in 2013 and South Korea in 2016, which usually brought together 100-200 researchers. These symposia are organized within the framework of IUFRO (International Union of Forestry Research Institutes), a global network dedicated to forest research. This symposium will disseminate the latest findings from international research on the pine nematode.

For more information:

Quatrième conférence organisée par le Laboratoire conjoint sino-français sur les ravageurs forestiers envahissants en Eurasie (IFOPE)


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Conférences scientifiques enregistrées

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"Worldwide tests of generic attractants for early detection of non-native cerambycid species at arrival on other continents"

Réunion du réseau INRAE ModStatSAP (modèle phénologique de la processionnaire du pin) - Laura POITOU - 6 juillet 2021 :