Sample database

Sample database

This innovative system for the management of all collected samples (insects, plants, DNA,...) has been operational since May 2010. Samples are uniquely coded by bar code, and all information related to these samples (name, date of collection, location of the collection site, storage location within the unit, inventory management...) are recorded in a database developed within the unit. The number of samples entered now exceeds 23,000 entries. The use of this database has been extended to the rehabilitation of the forest insect collection, unique in Europe, held at the laboratory. This collection contains over 50,000 samples from the various families involved and is therefore of high heritage value. During the decontamination and repackaging of this collection, each specimen was given a mini self-adhesive bar code on its informative label, entered into the database. The ultimate goal is to make this collection available to the relevant scientific community.