Partners and collaborators

Partners and collaborators

• LIA IFOPE (Laboratoire International Associé franco-chinois - Invasive FOrest Pests affecting biodiversity and forest Ecosystems in Eurasia)

Other International Collaborations


Through its investment in the majority of European projects devoted to climate invasions (PRATIQUE, QBOL, ISEFOR,REPHRAME, EFSA PERSEUS and PPM- PIRATES, COST PERMIT, ALIEN CHALLENGE, GLOBAL WARNING and SKOGFORSK ), the URZF has confirmed its positioning in the field of biological invasions, initiated with the coordination of the inventory of exotic terrestrial invertebrates in France within the framework of the DAISIE (Delivering Alien Species Inventories in Europe) project in 2005-2008. These European projects, which generally involve teams working on different taxonomic groups, have made it possible to compare invasive processes in terrestrial invertebrates with those of other groups (plants, pathogenic fungi, vertebrates), and also intercontinental comparisons, resulting in the publication of summary articles in journals of excellence.

All these activities also led to the development of privileged links with the Beijing Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, CABI Délémont (Switzerland), the Sukachev Institute in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, the USDA in Morgantown (USA) and the Universities of Padua (Italy), Berkeley (USA), Victoria (Canada), Marrakech (Morocco), La Coruña (Spain) and Lisbon (Portugal).

National collaborations

Strong collaborations exist with the ECODIV (“Ecologie et biodiversité”) department’s entomology teams located in Nogent-sur-Vernisson (EFNO), Montpellier (CBGP), Bordeaux (BIOGECO), Avignon (URFM, UEFM, BioSP). Strong links also exist with the Institute for Research on the Biology of the Insect of Tours (IRBI), the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris (MNHN) and the CIRAD. Links are historically important with the Department of Forest Health (DSF) of the Ministry of Agriculture. On a smaller scale, past and current regional projects amplify our collaborations with associative structures specialized in plant health (Fredon, Plante&Cité...), especially on the aspect «heritage» (pyrale of buis), and to perpetuate the links created with communities in several regions (Centre-Val de Loire, Ile-de-France, PACA).

Network coordination
    - InterNematode
    - PCLIM
    - Entomocentre