Alert tools

Alert and decision support tools

We are developing a tool that provides forecasts, for the time being indicative, of the period at major risk (processions), and the periods of treatment in Bacille de Thuringe. In the future, these forecasts should be consolidated and become operational.
They will also be extended to other alternative control methods to plant protection products.
You can access these forecasts on

We need observational data to validate or invalidate simulations and improve the model.

Help us: if you see a procession of pine processional caterpillars, report it :


@ via the National Observatory of Processionary Caterpillars reporting platform on your computer, tablet or phone
- website
- application to download

@ or via INRAE
- AGIIR application (Alerter - Manage Invasive Insects and/or Pests)
to download => Android/ Apple
- web site AGIIR on Ephytia
- by e-mail:

Contacts for more information:

This first version of the tool comes from the PHENEC 2020-2024 project co-financed by the National Research Agency, the CNRS, the University of Tours and INRAE, pilot project (with additional financial support from the Regional Health Agency of Ile-de-France and the Département des Côtes d'Armor).