
InterNematode network

Interactions between the pine nematode, its vector insects and its host trees to better understand its invasion and improve management of the epidemic

InterNematode is an animation network supported by INRAE ECODIV on the problem of pine nematodes.

The pine nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, is a microscopic worm responsible for pine wilt disease, which can cause pine trees to wither and die in just a few weeks. This invasive exotic quarantine organism has invaded a large part of Portugal and outbreaks are also observed in Spain. It has not yet arrived in France, but the risk of invasion is particularly high there. Beyond the damage to pine forests, its arrival would have considerable consequences for the wood industry, causing enormous economic impacts. The InterNématode network aims to better federate and organize the francophone community working on the pine nematode problem, whether in terms of research or management, and to break down the silos of research on the various subjects of study (nematode, vector insect, host tree and possibly other organisms such as bacteria and fungi).



For more information or to participate in this network, contact the following facilitators :